Why OSI?

Are you a breeder and you are in search of a reliable buyer to establish a long-term cooperation with? Whether you are a restaurant, a food-truck or a catering-company owner, or you produce ready-made meals and you are looking for a beef provider, we are here to help you.

beef patelniaOur main assets include:

  • being one of the biggest slaughtering and cutting facility of beef in Poland;
  • the highest quality and safety standards;
  • clear cooperation rules, high organizational culture;
  • flexibility which gives us a chance to achieve even the stringent requirements;
  • long-term cooperation with breeders;
  • a system of audits of animal farms “CULTIVATE”, the introduction of which enables control over the quality of purchased meat;
  • cooperation strategy with the biggest associations of breeders of dairy and beef cattle;
  • varied export permissions;
  • cultural, organizational and financial supply base of OSI GROUP;
  • being a part of international sales channels of OSI GROUP;
  • experience in supplying the HoReCa sector.

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Chróścina 3a 56-200 Chróścina
NIP 522-294-94-86


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