CULTIVATE - Cattle Farming System

CULTIVATE - sustainable sales of cattle and extra bonuses for breeders.

OSI POLAND FOODWORKS supports the values of sustainable development, underlining the importance of implementing sustainable breeding practices. In order to maintain high quality standards on individual cattle farms, OSI has created a new farming programme that operates within the entire delivery chain in Poland.

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The “CULTIVATE” programme was implemented in July, 2019 and is based on the best breeding practices and criteria for sustainable development, which have actually been in use on the global agricultural markets for years. The “CULTIVATE” programme includes conclusions from the entire delivery chain, as well as OSI’s global experiences, providing a solid foundation for its development.

The aim of the programme is to ensure complex influence on areas related to management of farms in order to promote their sustainable development. The key issues are:

  • health and well-being of animals;
  • the use of antibiotics in breeding procedures;
  • the farms’ influence on environment;
  • the management of the farm:

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“CULTIVATE” aims at engaging the breeders in the process of implementation, monitoring and measuring the achieved results in the above presented areas. For the participants, it is important to know that what is perceived as a norm for sustainable development today, may be changed and improved tomorrow. It is therefore of great importance to develop the criteria for sustainable development and support breeders in their implementation.

Currently, there are 24 369 Polish breeders, participating in the “CULTIVATE” programme, who are receiving financial bonuses from the sales of cattle. Before entering the programme, a farm is audited and assessed using the criteria of the “CULTIVATE” programme. The audit is conducted by an external company, which guarantees its objectivity.

To join the “CULTIVATE” programme and receive financial bonuses for sales of the cattle, call the Central Cattle Purchase Office Hotline +48 65 619 43 50 and ask for details.


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NIP 522-294-94-86


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