Mission. Vision. Values


Lasting partnerships, based on high culture, clear rules and transparency regarding financial terms, set the foundation for bringing our mission to life. Our company offers fair and reliable settlement of accounts, as well as market purchase prices increased by agreement-based bonuses. Our high cooperation standards give breeders a chance to shape the growth of their farm on a multi-annual basis.

The mission of POLAND FOODWORKS:
Production of highest-quality beef while maintaining lasting partnerships.

Security of supply as well as control over the quality of breeding are the two key issues a slaughterhouse is given access to at a very early stage of animals’ development. These two factors, combined with our multi-level system of quality and safety supervision, ensure OSI POLAND FOODWORKS the highest level of safety and superior quality of beef. To read more about quality policy, click here.


A successful implementation of our vision gives us a chance to effectively realise the vision of OSI GROUP, namely becoming the key food provider for leading brands globally.


In order to pursuit our Mission and Vision, we have established a set of values, which determine the organisational culture of OSI POLAND FOODWORKS. The values are intended as a starting point for each and every undertaken activity.

  • Do what is best for the group
  • Seek partnering relationships,
  • Strive to continuously improve,
  • Explore innovative solutions,
  • Work together as a team,
  • Act with integrity,
  • Steward our resources for future generations, 
  • Put people first.

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Chróścina 3a 56-200 Chróścina
NIP 522-294-94-86


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